How Many Calories in an Egg

Chicken Egg - A universal nutritious product, available to everyone. It is an important source of high quality protein and essential micro nutrients.

Egg structure

Medium size chicken egg weighs about 55-60 grams. It contains about 6.7 grams of protein, 6.2 grams of fat, 0.3 grams of carbohydrate. The egg has a shell (10%). Egg white   (60%) and yolk (30%). The calorie content of boiled chicken egg is approximately 70-75 kilocalories.
  Ingredients of egg white:
  • Water - 87%;
  • Protein - 11%;
  • Carbohydrate - 1%;
  • Mineral substance - 1%;
  • Water - 50%;
  • Fat (highly saturated) - 32%;
  • Protein - 16%;
  • Mineral substance - 2%.
Chicken eggs contain a high nutritional value, protein bioregulators and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium, selenium. In composition eggs almost all vitamins except Vitamin C, they are essential for the formation of a large amount of niacin (vitamin B3 or PP), electric GM cells and sex hormones, colline (vitamin B4), which is responsible for memory and liver poison Improve the output included, Vitamin D is essential for maintaining normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Vitamin D is the second place for fish oil according to the egg content. Eggs - a good source of vitamin, is needed for normal blood clots, as well as vitamins A, E, B2, B6, B12, biotin, ifolievoy acid.
Egg white is a good source of low calorie protein. The middle egg protein has 20  calories. It is very well taken (97%) and gradually passes through the digested blood. In the correct proportion in the protein all the essential amino acids are. Amino Acids containing valuable sulfur, including egg white methionine, which can not synthesize the human body. Methionine is involved in the synthesis of epinephrine and creatine. It activates the action of vitamins, acids and enzymes. In the body, methionine passes into cysteine ​​involved in the dissolution of toxic substances. In combination with vitamin B12 deficiency, methionine deficiency damages the nervous system.
There is approximately 50-55 kilocalories in the middle egg yolk. The value of yolk is done by a unique complex of fatty acids, which is beneficial for the human body. Oleic acid, for example, regulates metabolism. Yolk joins lecithin, enhances brain activity, increases efficiency and improves memory, prevents the growth of multiple sclerosis, is essential for general liver function.

How to cook eggs

The cooked egg retains the nutritional value of a fresh product and has high flavor properties. The cooked eggs should be washed before hot water. The eggs are cooked 1-2 minutes after soft boiled water boils on a slow flame, "in the bag" - 3-4 minutes, hard boiled - 7-8 minutes.
Eggs completely protect the valuable fatty acid yolk, if the egg room temperature is carefully immersed in boiling water in a gas minute stop, the egg left in boiling water for 5 minutes thus the welded yolk remains liquid and Protein will be firm enough. Egg can not digest, or a protein will turn into rubber, and the yolk will be covered with tasteless and gray-green seal. After cooking, the egg should be immersed in cold water.
In the process of frying, the egg protein structure is disturbed. Carcinogens with oil in the body fall, which are harmful to the liver and digestive tract. Decreases the nutritious value   product.

Many People Ask a question How Many Calories in One Egg

Eggs in Nutrition

Eggs are among the five lowest low calorie foods. They are used in various diets in weight loss and nutrition nutrition. Eggs help to normalize metabolism. Those who like boiled eggs for breakfast, who are well and permanently saturated, caloric content of daily diet reduces by about 400 calories.
Doctors say that one day in an egg, one person greatly reduces the risk of glaucoma. Eating rich in carotenoids slow down the process of retinal dystrophy. Due to being a natural antioxidant, carotenoid disables free radicals that destroy the cell membrane. Slows the process of old age. According to medical research, eating 6 eggs a week, a woman reduces the risk of breast cancer by 40%.
Eggs are contraindicated for children up to a year, because they are a strong allergy. Egg yolk contains about 215 mg cholesterol, while the recommended daily maximum is 300 mg. Egg cholesterol is balanced with lacy leg, but people with high cholesterol in the blood should limit their diet to two or three pieces per week. Egg yolk is not recommended for use with other fats. Eggs are well combined with rich foods in fiber, help to remove cholesterol: herbs, various vegetables, such as Bulgarian black pepper , cauliflower , kohlabi, asparagus And also with grated cottage cheese, poultry meat and crab.
  Calories, KKC: 157 Protein, G: 12.7 Fat, G: 10.9 Carbohydrate, G: 0.7
Chicken eggs - a very common product in human life. In many countries, those days like to start with fried eggs. The most common and economical eggs in the shop are chicken eggs.
Various breeds of chickens pour different color and size eggs. The egg color is not related to its nutritional properties (calories). Chicken eggs in Russia and the United States are usually white or light beige. In the UK, they are usually light brown.
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